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Partner Presentation
The University of Reading (UREAD) is dedicated to both teaching and research with a substantial reputation for research excellence. With 17,000 students and 3,000 staff from over 150 countries, having campuses in Malaysia and South Africa, UREAD has a very international environment. The UREAD has a strong track record of working in European projects and received awards for >150 EU projects across FP7 and H2020 resulting in nearly €70M EU Contribution. It is home to excellence and frontier research and has received 5 ERC Starting/Consolidator grant awards and 9 ERC Advanced grant awards. Nearly 40 are H2020 MSCA or FP7 Marie Curie People projects (over €10M EU Contribution), and >20 are Marie Curie individual fellowships.
The Department of Meteorology is a world-leading centre for research and training in weather and climate, and the largest of its kind in Europe. It trains students towards BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Meteorology/Climate (there are currently about 40 MSc and 70 PhD students), and comprises approximately 45 academic staff, 20 senior research staff and fellowship holders, 25 embedded researchers from the Met Office, and 90 post-doctoral fellows. The Department also hosts the Climate Division of the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS-Climate), as well as the directorate of the NCAS Models and Data. The Meteorology department has always achieved the highest ratings in UK Research Assessment Exercises. In the latest 2014 Research Excellence Framework, 86% of our research was graded as world class or internationally excellent. In addition, Reading’s was ranked third by research power in the Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences Unit of Assessment.
Role in project
UREAD will participated in WP 2and 5, leading the tasks 2.6, 5.1 and 5.3.
Key Personnel

Dr David Ferreira
Associate Professor in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading