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Partner Presentation
NORCE was established in 2017 in a merger of the Norwegian research institutes Agderforskning AS, Uni Research AS, Teknova AS, International Research Institute of Stavanger AS and Christian Michelsen Research AS. NORCE have 900 employees with an annual turnover of 1 billion NOK. The head office is in Bergen, Norway with branch offices in Stavanger, Kristiansand, Grimstad and Oslo. NORCE aims to be a leading research institute with focus on research and innovation within climate, energy, health, environment, society and technology.
NORCE runs its climate research through the department Uni Climate with particular strengths in understanding climate dynamics across multiple spatial and temporal scales, dynamical modelling of the climate system and understanding past-future climate variability and change. Uni Research Climate has extensive experience coordinating and leading large national and international projects (e.g. Norwegian Earth System Modelling Infrastructure project (INES), Ice2Ice Synergy Grant (Ice2ice) and Ocean Thematic Centre of the ICOS ERIC). Uni Climate is one of four partners in the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR) and a partner in the Norwegian Climate Service Centre. Uni Climate has a leading role in Norway for the use and further development of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM), with expertise in in global climate, atmosphere and ocean modelling, decadal prediction, regional downscaling and climate dynamics Uni Climate plays an instrumental role in delivering future Earth system model projections to the last CMIP5 project and were assessed in the last IPCC-AR5. Uni Climate has access to the Norwegian national infrastructure of super-computing and long-term storage facilities (NOTUR and NorStore).
Role in project
NORCE is leading the WP3 (Bottom ocean ventilation pathways) and contribute with current meters time series and hydrographic observations from the Weddell Sea. UniRes will be responsible for operation of long-term observing systems at the Filchner Sill.
Key Personnel

Svein Østerhus
Physical oceanographer