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Partner Presentation
Born from the merger of Université Pierre et Marie Curie and Université Paris Sorbonne, Sorbonne Université is a fully multidisciplinary research-intensive university with three faculties: Humanities and Social Sciences, Medicine and Sciences & Engineering. With more than 53 400 students (among 10 200 international students), 4400 doctoral students and 6300 researchers, Sorbonne Université is one of the leading French universities.
The university is involved in numerous European and International partnership agreements and has France's largest scientific library and infrastructures bringing together the best talent in a wide array of these disciplines. With 8,500 publications per year (approx. 10% of all publications in France), Sorbonne Université is a major player in international knowledge and innovation economy, offering transversal academic and research programs.
The European Affairs office, which is in charge of the EU projects at the university, has managed so far 150 FP7 and 100 H2020 projects (38 ERC grants and 45 industry-sponsored research chairs). The EU office will manage all the financial, administrative and legal aspects for the participation of Sorbonne Université in this project.
One laboratory of Sorbonne Université is involved in SO-CHIC: The Laboratoire d’Océanographie et du Climat: Expérimentations et Approches Numériques (LOCEAN). LOCEAN is a research laboratory of 180 scientists, engineers and administrative staff. It is a leading laboratory in France for studying worldwide general oceanic circulation and physical oceanic processes based on observations and numerical modelling. In the past, studies have been conducted at all latitudes, equatorial and tropical, mid-latitudes and Polar Regions as well. Most of LOCEAN senior scientists have been engaged as PIs and/or coordinators in several European Union projects of the successive framework programs.
Role in project
Sorbonne Université coordinates the project (JB. Sallée), and contributes to the science workpackages on air-sea fluxes (WP1: J. Boutin), on bottom water consumption and export (WP3: JB. Sallée, G. Madec, C. de Lavergne), and on the Weddell Polynya (WP4: JB. Sallée). Sorbonne Université contribution is deploy and analyse carbon air-sea fluxes sensors, maintain mooring work in the Southeaster Weddell Sea and provide their observation to the consortium, deploy floats in the Weddell Polynya, and develop, run and evaluate a global simulation in which bottom water consumption will be assessed and confronted to observations.
Key Personnel

Jean-Baptiste Sallee
Research scientist in ocean and climate sciences, working for the French national research agency (CNRS)

Jacqueline Boutin
Research director at the French national research agency (CNRS) and based at LOCEAN lab of Sorbonne Université

Amélie Lecornec
Project Manager

Gurvan Madec

Casimir de Lavergne
15-21 Rue de l'École de Médecine
75006 Paris, France
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