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Southern Ocean Summer School 2024
The Southern Ocean plays a critical role in maintaining crucial climate and life-supporting functions. At the heart of the Southern Ocean, processes occurring at the interface between the ocean, polar ice cap, and sea ice exert global influence on Earth's climate, on sea-level rise, and on the future of the unique ecosystems in this region. Despite its significance, our understanding of the Southern Ocean remains limited. The Southern Ocean Summer School 2024 aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced by Southern Ocean sciences. The program will address key questions pertaining to ocean dynamics, ice-ocean interactions, biology and carbon cycling,… Read MoreRegister now - SO-CHIC webinar: Preconditioning, lifecycle and large-scale impacts of Weddell polynyas
Registration is now open for the next in the SO-CHIC webinar series "Preconditioning, lifecycle and large-scale impacts of Weddell polynyas". The webinar will be held at 14:00 CEST on Tuesday 28th September 2021. Provisional speakers for the webinar are: Fabien Roquet (Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)Birte Gülk (Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)Aditya Narayanan (Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)Alberto Naveira-Garabato (National Oceanography Centre, UK) To register for the webinar please visit Earlier webinars in the series are available to rewatch at Read Morewebinar #3: Ocean variabilities in the Southern Weddell Sea
The next SO-CHIC webinar will be 'Ocean variabilities in the Southern Weddell Sea', with Shenjie Zhou (British Antarctic Survey, UK), Svein Østerhus (NORCE, Norway), Andrew Meijers (British Antarctic Survey, UK) and Casimir de Lavergne (Sorbonne Université, France) at 13:00 UTC on Wednesday 27th January. The webinar will discuss long-term observations from moored instruments and from ship-based hydrographic observations. To register for the webinar, please visit The SO-CHIC webinar series is hosted by the EPB. Recording of previous webinars in the series can be viewed at For more information on the SO-CHIC project please visit Read More2020 European Polar Science Week
Understanding Polar amplification is important to understand the future of the Arctic and Antarctic regions, but is also vital to predict the impacts on global climate. For example, observational studies support that Arctic amplification is contributing to winter cooling at lower latitudes but most models do not currently show this connection, leading to a divergence between model and observational studies. Further model development is vital to be able to understand the links between PA and mid latitude extreme weather and cooling, and the associated environmental and societal effects. Blue-Action, the European project SO-CHIC and EPB are co-organizing the upcoming session… Read More