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Partner Presentation
The European Polar Board (EPB), initiated in 1995 as an Expert Board of the European Science Foundation (ESF), has been an independent organisation since 2015 that focuses on major strategic priorities in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Current EPB membership includes research institutes, funding agencies, scientific academies and polar operators – a total of 27 Members from 19 European countries. The EPB envisions a Europe with a strong and cohesive polar research community, wherein decisions affecting or affected by the polar regions are informed by independent, accurate, and timely advice from the EPB and its Members. The EPB helps to advance the collective knowledge of polar issues, particularly in the context of European societal relevance.
The EPB is a cooperation partner in the EU-PolarNet project, the world’s largest consortium of expertise and infrastructure for polar research, and EPB’s participation will ensure that the legacy of the project, including strategically important products, will be sustained into the future. The EPB is also an associated partner for the EU Arctic Cluster, a network of Horizon 2020 and a Framework Programme 7 funded Arctic projects. The cluster merges a broad spectrum of research and coordination activities, bringing the insights from various areas of expertise together in order to provide one entry point to EU funded Arctic research.
As a coordinating body, the EPB works with both national and international organisations, and has memoranda of understanding with organisations such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and others. As an advisory body, the EPB has put in place a Policy Advisory Group that responds to requests that arise from various national, regional and international policymakers, and has recently worked with DG-MARE and DGRTD, amongst others. The EPB and its Members are involved in various policy and governance meetings related to both Arctic and Antarctic regions, such as the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (ATCM), the Arctic Council and its various working groups, among many others.
Role in project
The EPB, as a part of WP8, will work with all the WPs to ensure that their most important scientific messages are conveyed to all relevant stakeholders in the most effective manner. The EPB will ensure efficient communication between the scientific, modelling and policymakers, working with international bodies like the IPCC, SCAR, and others as necessary. The EPB aims to do this using a range of communication initiatives and tools, ranging from press releases, holding cross-cutting sessions and side events at major conferences, policy briefings, workshops and an online seminar series. The EPB will also ensure a lasting legacy for all audio and video material produced for SO-CHIC by providing these on the EPB video sharing channel.
Key Personnel

Renuka Badhe
Executive Secretary of the European Polar Board