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SO-CHIC Final General Assembly and Science Workshop
All partners of the SO-CHIC project will gather for the last time during the "SO-CHIC Final General Assembly and Science Workshop" that will take place on 28-30 October at Sorbonne University in Paris. This meeting will mark the ending of the project that took 4 years (November 2019 - October 2024) and will focus on 4 themes: Theme 1: Fine-scale (1–10 km) and transient (day-weeks) processes of the mixed-layer (link to WP1-2) Theme 2: Open Ocean polynya events: drivers and ocean-atmosphere consequences (link to WP1-4-5) Theme 3: Origin and the fate of bottom waters globally (link to WP3) Theme 4: Heat and Carbon… Read More
Tipping Points in Antarctica (Towards Evidence-Based Policy)
The Antarctic Policy Event Tipping Points in Antarctica: Towards Evidence-Based Policy will take place in Brussels,at the NORCE Norwegian Research Center – Rue Guimard 9, 1000 Brussels on Monday, 16 October from 14h-16h. The event is co-organized by EU-funded projects TiPACCs, OCEAN:ICE, SO-CHIC, PROTECT, and the EU-PolarNet 2 and European Polar Board. The agenda includes an opening plenary forum followed by a world cafe where we create a common space for researchers and policymakers to talk on highly relevant topics relating to Antarctica. We look forward to a highly engaged, highly interactive afternoon! Refreshments will be provided. Please find the full agenda here. To assist us in planning the best possible event, we request that you complete this registration… Read More
SO-CHIC General Assembly 2022 interviews
The work of the EU-funded SO-CHIC project is organised through a series of interconnected and specialised Work Packages (WP). During the annual SO-CHIC General Assembly (GA) that was held in November 2022 at the Sorbonne University International Conference Center in Paris, several researchers were interviewed in order to introduce themselves and their work in particular work packages. Find the interviews here: Read More
SO-CHIC Visualisation Contest
The mission of the SO-CHIC project is crucial - by contributing to reducing uncertainties in climate change predictions, the SO-CHIC is expected to have major quantifiable impacts on climate science. SO-CHIC’s work is organised through a series of interconnected and specialised Work Packages (WPs), however these can be difficult to understand to general public. As it is important for SO-CHIC to explain its activities (as described in the WPs) to broader audience, SO-CHIC held a Visualisation contest organised by the European Polar Board. The goal of the contest was to obtain an illustration that could be further used for communication… Read More
#TashaGoesSouth Natasha Lucas (“Tasha”) is an observational oceanographer / scientist who has started her journey on Agulhas II research ship sailing from Capetown to Antarctica on 17 December 2022 as part of the British Antarctic Survey & the SO-CHIC project. Tasha decided to record a few videos each day to show her life and work on the ship as a scientist for educational, outreach and EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) reasons. Thank you, Tasha for this wonderful initiative! To see daily updates from Tasha, follow @tashaocean on Instagram, where the photos and videos are being published by the #TashGoesSouth initiative partners each day. Read More
EGU22 - The Southern Ocean & the Global Climate System
SO-CHIC will be present at the next General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) which is held in Vienna, Austria, from 23–27 May 2022. On Thursday, SO-CHIC will lead a session in the town hall, featuring excellent speakers discussing the Southern Ocean and the global climate system. You can find all details here: And you can follow the conference on Twitter Read MoreThe Southern Ocean, in the midst of climate change
90% of heat budget accumulated on Earth is located in the oceans. To understand this global warming phenomenon, we have to investigate oceans under their surface and in particular the Southern Ocean. This is the main objective of the SO-CHIC project. Started in 2019 and coordinated by Sorbonne Université (Paris, France), SO-CHIC (Southern Ocean – Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate) gathers 16 international partners and experts in physics, oceanography, climatology and biochemistry. Funded by the European Commission for 5 years, the project aims to understand and quantify key processes controlling heat and carbon fluxes between the atmosphere, ocean and… Read MoreRegister now - SO-CHIC webinar: Preconditioning, lifecycle and large-scale impacts of Weddell polynyas
Registration is now open for the next in the SO-CHIC webinar series "Preconditioning, lifecycle and large-scale impacts of Weddell polynyas". The webinar will be held at 14:00 CEST on Tuesday 28th September 2021. Provisional speakers for the webinar are: Fabien Roquet (Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)Birte Gülk (Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)Aditya Narayanan (Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)Alberto Naveira-Garabato (National Oceanography Centre, UK) To register for the webinar please visit Earlier webinars in the series are available to rewatch at Read MoreNewsletter #1: 2021 here we come !
After almost 15 months since its launch and after unexpected events, SO-CHIC is summarizing its journey so far in a Newsletter. You will discover the project’s latest news and developments, as well as interesting reads from the consortium and beyond. Click on the link to find out more ! Read More